
With many years of information technology experience our passion for excellence and natural creativity has developed us into a valuable resource for any software development project. Whether we are leading a small group or contributing to an established team, our broad understanding of the technologies, tools and practices employed by modern development efforts will translate into increased project velocity and potential for success.

We have experience using the following technologies to satisfy business requirements.

Microsoft .NET

  • MVC Core
  • C#/VB.NET
  • ASP.NET MVC (and Code)
  • Visual Studio - All Versions
  • SharePoint Web Parts
  • ReSharper Ultimate
  • NUnit


  • SQL Azure - Cloud
  • Microsoft SQL Server - All Versions
  • SQL Server Express - All Versions
  • Microsoft Access 1.1, 2003 to the latest O365 version
  • Pervasive SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • Sybase


  • CSS3, Skins, Bootstrap
  • Telerik Controls
  • JavaScript, AJAX
  • IIS (any version)
  • Power BI
  • Power Automate
  • Power Apps

Integration - Source Control

  • Sub-Version Server
  • Visual SVN, Tortoise SVN
  • Team Foundation Server
  • Visual Source Safe
  • Cruise Control

Data Integration

  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • SharePoint (on Premises up to SSSE and O365)
  • SharePoint Online
  • Batch Jobs
  • ShareGate for SharePoint Migration

Operating Systems

  • Windows Server
  • Windows Desktop
  • Remote Desktop Services Gateway


  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Object-Oriented Development with Design Patterns
  • Test Driven Development
  • Agile